Ati Radeon Hd 2600 Xt 256mb Driver Mac

  1. Ati Radeon Hd 2600 Xt 256mb Driver Mac Update
  2. Ati Radeon Hd 2600 Xt 256mb Driver Mac Download


After having had too much hazzle with the Gigabyte ATI x1650 (Device ID 71c6) I decided to buy a new graphics card. What made me buy that ATI (or in general an ATI card) again?

  • Quartz Extreme 2D is mostly supported with ATI cards (see here how to do it)
  • ATI mostly support natively h264 HD decoding
  • Netkas wrote the driver :-)
  • supports dual heading
  • supports pivot
  • supports sleep mode (Update 18.03.2008: sleep works with ASUS P5LD2 VM DH aswell. See here how to configure BIOS settings of ASUS P5LD2 VM DH)

Where to obtain

This update is for Mac Pro computers with one or more ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT graphics cards installed, running Mac OS X 10.5.2 or later with the Leopard Graphics Update. View full ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT specs on CNET. 2 x DVI-I (dual link) - 24+5 pin combined DVI 1 x VGA - 15 pin HD D-Sub (HD-15) (with adapter).


German users are provided with a link to where they can buy exactly the graphics card I used for the following howto. But in contrast to my fellow german users the american users cannot be provided with such a link, because doesn’t offer that card. Search it elsewhere or just order from the german Amazon store using this link: Sapphire RADEON HD 2600 XT PCIe ). This should be most hazzle-free way for you…

Ati radeon hd 2600 xt 256mb mac driver

How to install(_t_h_e___h_a_z_z_l_e___f_r_e_e___w_a_y_)

Ok so, after having bought this new graphic card, don’t just install it yet into your tower or desktop. Instead boot your system into OS X while having your old graphics card installed. Follow those steps:

  1. Login into OS X as root.
  2. Get the new Netkas Natit Driver (link)
  3. install it to /System/Library/Extensions/
  4. Make sure you set the right permissions to the Natit.kext : open terminal and type: chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/Natit.kext
  5. shutdown your system, unplug electricity and replace your graphics cards
  6. plug power chord and boot your system.
  7. you should be done…

Circumventing issues

If anything does not work and your screen looks garbled. I recommend having an XP or Vista installed on another drive and use MediaFour’s MacDrive 7. So you can download the driver again and copy to your OSX partition and install it manually in single user mode (provide -s at OSX boottime).


Sapphire ATI2600 XT 256MB
with HP w2207 (click to enlarge)

Final words

Ati Radeon Hd 2600 Xt 256mb Driver Mac Update

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Addendums for the german speaking community

Falls Ihr Fragen zu der Anleitung habt, bitte in die Kommentare. Wenn sich mehr als fünf deutschsprachige Leute melden, übersetze ich den Artikel. Ansonsten: wer exakt die Karte sucht, die ich verwendet habe, kauft bitte im deutschen Amazon Shop genau diese Karte hier: Sapphire RADEON HD 2600 XT PCIe 256 MB DDR3 128 Bit, Dual DVI, TV-Out, HDMI, OpenGL, DirectX10 Retail!!!

Ati Radeon Hd 2600 Xt 256mb Driver Mac Download
