The Battle for Middle-Earth - Elvenstar Mod
This is an interesting modification for The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth that includes the Lothlorien faction, new heros, new AI and much more!
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth Part 40 (Black Gate Battle: The One Ring) - Duration. Bfme 1 - elvenstar mod 5.8 - Mordor vs Lathlorien - Duration: 12:16.
Fixed Bugs:
- New AI
- Isengard Orthanc added
- From the creators of Elvenstar Mod 1 for BFME1 they bring to you: Elvenstar Mod 2 Patch 4.0 designed for BFME2! This is the Elvenstar.
- New patch for Battle for Middle-earth, updating the Lord of the Rings RTS game to version 1.03. The manual patches are only necessary if the.
- Missing Buttons fixed
- All Hotkeys added
- Leaders und Rambock for Lothlorien
- No Shellmap Pic added
- New Faction 'Lothlorien'
- new Shellmap exclusive for the Elbenstar Mod
- background Logo 'Elbenstar'
- one zoom up
- start videos turned off
- has very closely all Heros levels from the level 1
- Commandpoints raised
- AOD as well as Balrog require 25 Points
- maximal capacity points 28
- each quantity of new animations and Buttons
- completely revised textures including Spellbook
- each hero has its own characteristic Sound
- citadel menu expands
- new building plots for Lothlorien
- Exclusive fort for Lothlorien
-functioning AI for all Factions incl. Lothlorien
Faction Rohan:
Heros of Rohan:
- Theoden, Gamling, Eomer, Eowyn, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Merry und Pippin, Treebeard
building and hordes:
- out of the Enting, tree beard is removed from there, he already became as a hero there, Royalguarde, harvest blessing Spellbook:
- already from start are Draft and Palantir visions available
Lord Of The Rings Battle For Middle Earth 1 Edain Mod
Faction Gondor:
Heros of Gondor:
- Isildur, Elendil, Gandalf, Boromir, Faramir, Frodo und Sam, Adler
- already from start Elvesforest and Palantir visions are available
Faction Isengard:
Heros of Isengard:
- Saruman, Lurtz, Ugluk, Sharku, Smeagol, Kranka
- already from start FueltheFires, Scavenger und Palantir Vision available
Faction Mordor:
Heros of Mordor:
- Sauron, Witchking, Gothmog, 2 RingWraith, 2 Nazguls
building and hordes:
- Grond can be cultivated at 15000
- already from start are eyeofsauron, Scavenger and FueltheFires available
Faction Lothlorien:
Heros of Lothlorien:
- Galadriel, Elrond, Sons of Elrond, Haldir, Arwen, GilGalad, Gwahir
Woodelves from Mirkwood, Galadhrim, Haldirs Galadhrim, Gil-Galads Archers and Spearmans, Numenor knights
Elvesfarm, Galadriels mirror, Elvesstatue, Elvesbarracks, Alliance Barracks, Elvesarmory
- already from start gift of the foresight and certificate Earendils are available
Revises textures:
Aragorn, Gandalf the white, Gandalf of the grey, Boromir,
Faramir, Gondor archers, Gondor Soldaten, Gondor tower watch, Arwen, Galadriel, Legolas, Twins,
Lotr Bfme 1 Mods 1.7.10
Haldirs Elben, Silberne Galadhrim, Waldelben, Bannerträger,
Radagast,Gimli,Eomer,Eowyn,Theoden,Merry,Pippin,Rohan foot soldiers, Rohan archers, Rohan Reiter, Rohan Royal Guard, Saruman, Lurtz, Uruk Hai
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Lotr Bfme 2 Modding
Gondor edain mod wiki fandom battle for middle earth 2 rise of the witch king maps mordor base image edain mod for battle middle earth ii rise play pk ultimate sharing site mordor edain mod wiki fandom