Elf Name Generator

Find out your Christmas elf name by typing in your first name into our magical Christmas Elf Name Generator!

Here we put some elf names, but you will generate any kinds of names with this online tool. How to use this online name generator? If you are looking for elf names for any kind of character like, gaming, username or christmas elf names. If you are using it manually, it’s too hard to find names. But if you are using our elf name generator. GENERATORS FANTASY ELF Elf Character Name Generator Beautiful, mystical, and powerful — that’s the nature of an elven name. (Of course, there are exceptions, as with Buddy the Elf.) If you’re looking for elf names, this elven name generator is built to be a starting point!


Half-Elf name generator. This name generator will generate 10 random names for half-elves. Half-elves are pretty common in many works in fiction, and, although they come in many different forms, they often share a few similarities. One of the best parts of adopting an Elf Pets® Reindeer is getting to name your new friend. If you need help deciding on a name, use this Reindeer Name Generator for inspiration. When you use the initials from your first and last name, you can find out your personalized reindeer name, too!

She watched him move silently, through the thorny brush and into a more favorable position, remaining hidden from his prey. “Wow” – she thought, as the arrow perfectly found its mark. “I really hope I can be like Narlan one day”

Aelcakoth Greenblossom
Gorgaacci Riverwing
Oruscos Ferngrove
Vorni Pinegrove
Aithlin Redfox
Darfin Fernhollow
Oslarelar Greenrock
Eles Mossvale
Nanthleene Sagewing
Renestrae Ivyvale
Rubrae Nightrun
Ysmyrlda Bluelake

Forge Your Own Name: Discover Our Name Suggestions & Short Stories

  • Last update: April 9, 2020

Wood elves live in forests, with their homes well hidden from the outsiders who look upon them with distaste and confusion. Not everyone can live as one with nature, so they are also feared and respected at the same time. They have copper-like skin, while their eyes are usually green, brown, or hazel.

They wear simple clothes and leather and many are master bowmakers, fletchers, and leatherworkers, and often unrivaled at archery. While calm and collected, they lack the charisma that certain elves possess and their distaste for urban civilization is well-known.

However, they have a more open view on relationships, as polyamorous affairs are their social norm. Ironically, they are known to mock each other for it.

How to Choose a Good Name for Your Wood Elf Character?

One of the ways you can start thinking about your Wood Elf name is to think about his home, origin, and his parents. Where was he born, what kind of parents does he have (or had) and how would their personalities influence the name he was given.

For example, your character’s parents might have been in love, but still, interact romantically with other elves. Such freedom could have influenced the name they gave your character. In fact, your character might have been given a first name only.

The history and lore of your character’s home can help you with the naming process

Wood Elf Name Formula Examples

Elf Name Generator D&d

There are many ways to combine certain words and get a Wood Elf name, and here we’ll name a few:

First Name:
While Wood Elf’s first names don’t necessarily use a particular formula, we can still take a look at a few examples and see what we can come up with.

  • A name more akin to other subspecies, more poetic in pronunciation. These Wood Elves often had a different heritage in the family’s history.
    – Velethuil, Lydi’aleera, Tarasynora
  • A less elegant name, more straightforward and plain. Most of the common Wood Elf names are like this, often expressing their more simplistic and raw nature.
    – Ascal, Jandar, Imra

Last Name:
As for the surname, there are two simple ways to find a good one by associating an adjective or a verb with an animal, a plant, or an object:

  • [Adjective]+ [Animal] = Redfox or Whiteowl
    + [Plant] = Greenrose or Blueivy
    + [Object] = Deeplake or Brightmoon
  • [Verb]+ [Animal] = Bearrush or Birdsing
    + [Plant] = Rosebloom or Softclover
    + [Object] = Flystone or Swimfur

Later in the article, you’ll see some examples of Wood Elf names and last names.


Common Types of Wood Elf Names

While the names can be similar to other elven names, they often lack the grace the more urban-oriented ones have. Contrary to noble-like names, that sound more poetic such as Aerendyl and Lysanthir, they are more likely to have less delicate ones such as Arun, Kalgan, and Urgin.

Wood Elves often have a different last name compared to other members of their species. They are regularly made of words tied to the names of animals, plants, objects, and natural phenomenons. It is also not unusual to have a surname given later on in life, more as a nickname than an official last name.

You can combine noble origin with wood-elf current lifestyle, resulting in an unusual lavish name. However, it can easily add a lot of value to the character’s history

Using Elven Language to Name Your Wood Elf

One good way to make Wood-elf names is by using other people’s creations, such as Elven language glossary. It contains a long list of translated elven words, which provide a new outlook on the matter. If you haven’t seen it before, it could be an eye-opener for you.

To expand on the aforementioned glossary, a gentleman by the name of Steven Sypa made a list of names using various elven dialects, including Wood-elves. It’s a well-made list and I’m sure you’ll discover new meanings and possibilities for your character’s name.

Play with the combinations and let them fuel your imagination

Good Wood Elf Names

To start with, let’s have a look at some of our favorite names.

  • Symkalr Greenbark
  • Sithah Pineblossom
  • Halanaestra Hazelnose
  • Wyn Acornvale
  • Zarnan Elmwood
  • Dakath Oakenlock
  • Yaereene Dornwood
  • Jhaer Ivyshade

Wood Elf Last Names

Giving a last name to your character can add complexity to his personal story.

  • Bearrush
  • Stalkwolf
  • Foxtail
  • Rabbitear
  • Birdsong
  • Silentleaf
  • Roseshade
  • Barkblossom
  • Pinegrove
  • Nightthorn
  • Sunflower
  • Softgrass
  • Bluepond
  • Deeplake
  • Moonshine
  • Shadowfoot
  • Trueshot
  • Longarm
  • Snowwind
  • Nimblefeet
You can think of a name (animal, plant, natural, object) and add an adjective or a verb to it, effectively creating a surname. i.e. Silentrain or Birdchirp

Female Wood Elf Names

Other than standing a bit shorter than the males, females are pretty much the same. Most have elven-like names, and they are known to have a fiery spirit, engaging in healthy doses of rivalry, while seldom crossing the line.

  • Ellaeddyf Springbrook
  • Astra Camoscrub
  • Esha Duskrock
  • Aethin Elmwood
  • Phela Sagewing
  • Darlevel Timberwing
  • Dhervillal Oakdale
  • Phenaendith Willowvale

Qyssih Sageblossom

A druid of great renown, she is currently resting deep inside a forest, recovering from a near-fatal wound. The enemy wasn’t as lucky

  • Enva Riverwing
  • Eha Fernpool
  • Almy Greenrock
  • Darle Greenstone

Draenyries Riverscrub

Found floating down the river, in a small casket, she was saved by the scouts of a nearby Wood Elf village.

  • Nande Acornrock
  • Qenreth Seedgrove
  • Yvelteh Applethorn
  • Qastra Bluethorn
  • Eles Pinevale
  • Sithah Leafrock
  • Ennalsa Redwillow
  • Ashe Littlebow
  • Tharla Watercup
  • Arletrin Greenbark

Irfinae Rabbitfoot

Lives alone in the forest, although animals keep her company. She can also communicate with them. Knows certain forgotten nature magic, but hesitates to use it.

  • Yyvetrith Blackdusk
  • Dhihisten Starlight
  • Nande Sungem
  • Qenreth Brownberry
  • Phatref Hazelnose

Male Wood Elf Names

Just like females, they love hunting and wandering through the forest. They are also known to form bonds with different animals. They mostly prefer mountain lions, pumas, and leopards.

  • Kalgan Camomire
  • Dikkoc Ivyvale
  • Dadi Pineblossom
  • Talasrit Riverstone
  • Orulgo Nightrun
  • Ciadrosran Pinebranch
  • Scaelloslaen Willowrun
  • Strascalu Ferngrove

Tudarcu Oakwood

As his father taught him, he now possesses forgotten wood shaping techniques, making him essentially the best fletcher in the region

  • Killulvo Greenwind
  • Dhuthi Elmstone
  • Cioran Dornlake
  • Kacaath Bluebranch
  • Thadoc Balfthorn

Scisroth Rosegrove

Family history goes back to the birth of the forest itself. They got their last name due to the vast groves of roses growing in their territory

  • Aslidat Springmire
  • Urgin Ivyrock
  • Cico Pinegrove
  • Zarnan Elmbranch
  • Ciartos Willowlock
  • Arun Oakenrock
  • Bellas Greenstone
  • Glarald Acornstump
  • Lathai Applesmall

Qildor Bluetree

Discovered a rare blue tree as a child, and was named as such ever since. Unbeknownst to all, it is possessed by an evil spirit and is corrupting him

  • Taanyth Shadylock
  • Vaeril Pinesky
  • Darfin Rabbitfoot
  • Jaonos Seedgrove
  • Wyn Nightstone

I hope this guide will prove to be useful in your endeavor of finding the right Wood Elf name. They are a peculiar race, well worthy of a more careful examination. I find them fun to play when I’m looking for a nice mixture of roleplaying and fighting capabilities.

Please, leave a comment, tell me your thoughts on this whole matter.

Elf Name Generator 5e

How do you get to your Wood Elf name and do you have a favorite one?

Dark elf names generator

High Elf Name Generator

If you’re expecting an Elf to visit you this December, causing mischief and mayhem through December, you may want to give your Elf a name!

International Elf Service has the perfect Christmas Elf Name Generator so you can pick the perfect Boy Elf Name or the perfect Girl Elf Name. Or maybe you need to find yourself and Elf name so you can join the festivities in full swing!

The Elf Name Generator has been fully sparkled and is ready for you to find your perfect Elf Names for a very magical December!

You’ll be surprised at the time of year you find yourself needing a Christmas Elf Name Generator! … it’s only April, and everyone small in the house is already getting excited about that magical December countdown to Christmas. You definitely don’t need an Elf to enjoy our magical International Elf Service Ultimate Christmas Elf Letter Bundle, though many families do have a Christmas Elf, a December Elf, or even several Christmas Elves at once!

If you do have an Elf (or Elves) what’s your Christmas Elf called? Sparkle, Cheekypops, Tilly or Tinselbow? Or perhaps a name hasn’t been decided yet or, worse still, none of your family can agree on a suitable name at all? Bottoms and Bazookas (as Marty the Elf would say)!! Never fear – International Elf Service has a solution.

The North Pole’s super duper technology whizz, Lyra, has invented a fabulous Elf Name Generator which automatically creates a name for your Christmas Elf at just the touch of a (chocolate) button! Amazing! You may have a Peppermint, Treacletops (Girl Elf names) or perhaps a Noel or a Sproutstocking (Boy Elf names). Whatever gets generated, it’s bound to have a hint of Christmas Magic and a sprinkle of seasonal silliness. Your Christmas Elf will come to life and a cheeky personality will be sure to shine. In fact, your Christmas Elf will now be part of your family, so why not have your International Elf Service Christmas Elf letters addressed and delivered to the children AND your Elf aswell!! How magical is that?

What’s your Christmas Elf name?

Elf Name Generator Lotr

But (as mentioned earlier) what if you don’t have a Christmas Elf? No problem at all! It’s absolutely not necessary to have a Christmas Elf to enjoy the fun with the International Elf Service. The IES Christmas Elf Name Generator works for you too. Why not generate your own Christmas Elf name? Find out what you would be called if you were part of the North Pole gang. There’s a Girl Elf Name Generator and a Boy Elf Name Generator so the International Elf Service has got you covered whatever you need. Go for a single name, or stitch them together for a magical double-barrelled version!


If you’d like to sign up to the International Elf Service, all we need is your (real!) name and email address (this information stays completely safe and locked up in Father Christmas’ North Pole safe and won’t be shared with anyone). Try it out here. It’s so easy, it must be magic!!

Elf Name Generator Fantasy

Share our Christmas Elf Name Generator with friends …

Don’t forget to share the International Elf Service’s Elf Name Generator with all your friends and family, so everyone can discover what their Christmas Elf could be called in time for the Big Day. We’d also love to hear your own Elf names on our Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest Board