You can use it to change the number of columns without starting a new page. Starts the new section on the next even-numbered page. For example, if you insert an Even Page Break at the end of page 3, the next section will start on page 4. Starts the new section on the next odd-numbered page. Delete a stubborn page break in Word by Susan Harkins in Microsoft Office, in Software on January 7, 2010, 11:13 PM PST Sometimes, Word won't let you delete a page break.
Hi t,
Pages (for Mac OS X) supports two types of document; page layout and word processing.
The Backspace Key (To remove the last unwanted page) The backspace key is the easiest way of removing excess pages from your word document. Using it, however, to get your desired result is a bit tricky. Here’s how it works. How to Get Rid Of Second Page in Word. Word is top application to do typing since long time ago. However, you may find unwanted blank page or second page that cannot be deleted with backspace or delete button. This is a little bit trouble because your document looks less appealing and need to take care immediately. How to get rid of second page.
In Page Layout documents , each page is a separate section. To delete one or more pages/sections, it is necessary to select the page(s) in the sidebar at the left, then press delete, then confirm that you want to delete these pages.
In word processor documents, pages are created 'on the fly.' Each page is added when there is text (or characters that are treated as text) to be placed on that page. If the 'text' is removed, the page disappears.
(Mac instructions)
Go View (menu) > Show Invisibles.
Examine the 'blank' pages for a symbol in blue near the top or bottom of the page. This is likely a Page break, or possibly a Section break.
Click to place the insertion point AFTER the break, then press delete. Repeat as necessary.
Pages for iOS instructions should be similar, but in case they're not, I'll request this thread be moved to the iWork for iOS community.
May 24, 2012 10:13 PM
Click here to return to the 'How to delete last blank page in Word' hint |
It's probably an invisible character like a page- or section-break. Click the 'show invisibles' button (the paragraph mark) and you may see it (and be able to select it easily), then delete it.
Two things in this world aren't overrated: MacOSX and Lemon Meringue Pie.
Depending on how you have your fn keys set in System Preferences, you may have to also hold the fn key
Hey, can I submit this as a hint? :-)
Better yet, drop Word altogether and use free (libre) Unix-based text processors TeX (or LaTeX) or groff. There's a learning curve, but they produce outstanding output—far, far better than Word. If the Terminal isn't for you, Pages is great and cheaper than Word. I simply don't abide Microsoft anymore.
Doesn't putting the cursor as far to the end as you want and pressing the (forward) Delete key a couple times do the same thing? (If you don't have one, it's Function+Delete, where 'delete' is the backwards delete key that corresponds to 'Backspace' on a PC keyboard.)
Slightly better: see if it's a hidden character.
Even better: use LaTeX instead. :)
I've also found that the pagination options for the last paragraph can affect this behavior. You can change it from 'Paragraph…', Pagination (or something like that; at least that's how it is in Word 2004).
This doesn't work at all, at least in Word 2008. Interestingly enough, QuickLook shows only one page while Word itself shows two (the second being blank).
Get Rid Of Empty Page On Word For Mac Download
G4 450 DP, OS 10.3.6, 1.5 GB RAM, two 120 GB IBM-Hitachi hard drives, Epson SP1270, Nikon LS 8000, LaCie 80 GB firewire drive, LaCie CD-RW, Photoshop CS, Office
Does anyone know if this works in Pages? I gave up on word a while ago because it is too slow on a mac.
I have found a magnificent replacement to MS Word in Nisus Writer. Far easier to use, and no annoying idiosyncrasies such as a difficult to remove blank last page!
The more advanced version Nisus Writer Pro has real power-user stuff: table of contents, indexing, cross references and search/replace with styles, etc, etc. It even has GREP searching! And Nisus does things the way you want, instead of making up its own mind and ignoring you!
Now I only use MS Word very occasionally and even that is too often!
Check it out, you'll be glad you did.
Get Rid Of Empty Page On Word For Mac 10
Hello, I did what was recommended at the beginning of this thread but it deleted my headers on the other pages...I guess this a different question but headers and footers drive me insane. If the document has already been created and I added a Break Page, can I unlink the pages after the fact and not create havoc?
Thank you very much!