Schenck Intecont Plus Manual

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Intecont Tersus – Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read for weighing tasks better than % Manual and/or automatic zero setting Full. The INTECONT Tersus weighing elec- tronics is specially tion module, INTECONT Tersus optimally fits into any Manual and/or automatic zero setting. processes, the INTECONT Tersus meas- uring, control, and supervisory module, INTECONT Tersus optimally fits into any Manual and automatic zero setting.

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Manual Intecont Tersus

If the optional activation is required on devices which have already been delivered, the intecobt is transferred to the Schenck process, and the generated activation code is reported back. Feeder is no longer operable. The dimension data should be adapted to the Nominal Flow Rate.


Before performing work on the electrical equipment, disconnect the power supply. The full force Q acts on the load cells. The measuring system can be part of a jntecont complex plant. The duration of the impulse is set by P This function is only available in batching mode.

Schenck Intecont Plus Manual

Number of the parameters in the block Explanatory name of the parameters language-dependent Depending on the situation, individual parameters or groups of parameters may be faded out to highlight the parameters important to an application.

Schenck Intecont Plus Manual Pdf

Then it shows the new setting for a couple of seconds as Current Time. Belt Skew WM04 Event: The load on the platform exerts a force on the load cell LC through one or more weighing idlers.

The inclination of the belt may only be entered for systems in which the load cells are arranged perpendicular to the belt. The value can be analyzed as per item b. A belt weigher only measures and it cannot influence the feed rate. Password Confirm Defines the access protection for using the operating console.

Any reproduction of this documentation, regardless of method, without prior permission by Schenck Process GmbH in writing, even by excerpt, is prohi-bited. Calibration active is shown in the header. Display filters For feed rate, belt load and belt speed Maintenance guidelines through the appearance of an event in the display For the voltage supply’s operating time, for the scale’s operating time and for the next zero setting. When it reaches the batch setpoint, the conveyor belt and material prefeeder are turned off and the feeding process is ended.


It makes sense to go through all of the parameters and consider the value entered. There is the danger of injury if persons are in the area of the drives. The measuring system operating company must ensure that the password is handled safely. Bulk solids can be transported and cover the following equipment. Calibration Calibration of the pick-up input is not necessary.

The length ratio from the centerline of the weighing platform to the material dispatch to the overall belt conveyor length is known. The belt speed is adapted by the controller so that the belt load always equals the rated value.

Secure them against inadvertent restart. Schenck intecont plus pdf -? It can be integrated in the control panel or is available with a glass fibre reinforced plastic wall-mounted housing for on-site installation. Some parameters can be write protected. It only shows the functions that can be called up now. Call up tefsus function block Calibration Set Time Abort possible at inhecont time Enter the year, month, day, hour, minute and second.

Apply calibration weight Q1, start the scales and call up the zeroing program.

Analyze any event messages that may appear and rectify the fault. The current value of the P Slip W1 P This manual is available in different forms: Function block Calibration CW: It is determined by the design of the weighing platform and can usually be found in the technical data sheets.

Instead, the measured belt load is used before changing over. The following conversion formula applies to the effective bridge length with single-roll weighbridges: The list of all possible event messages and the current hardware allocation is printed out as an appendix. The effective calibration weight QPRF is the weigh-ing platform load in kg simulated by the calibration weight.

Schenck Intecont Plus Manual

This is why it is normally only possible to guarantee a high level of accuracy over entire belt cir-cuits i. The meas-ured feed rate or actual belt load value is not taken into consideration. Cancel the program and do not exceed the result. Gravimetric Controlled operation as described above Volumetric Uncontrolled operation, i. Damaged or defective electrical components must immediately be re-placed or, if possible, repaired by qualified personnel.

This is done by loading the weighing plat-form with a known calibration weight and automatically calculating the average platform load over one or several whole belt circuits.


The write protection can also be configured using EasyServe. XC1 DeviceNet module front view If noch tacho is active don’t change characteristic value vs. They adapt their font size over 3 levels. Access to some functions can be configured in the Dialog Behaviour block. The product is feed rate I. No entry can be made if batch mode is deselected or if a batch terssus in process.

Schenck Intecont Plus Weigh Feeder Manual.pdf

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